날씨 이미지
  • 오늘, 완도기온


An Outline of American Literature / PETER B.HIGH /


An Outline of American Literature / PETER B.HIGH / 번역본

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분량 : 280 페이지 /hwp 파일
설명 : An Outline of American Literature 번역본입니다.
원문 텍스트와 번역본을 대조하며 작성하였습니다.
챕터1~챕터16까지 있습니다.

CHAPTER 1 Colonial Beginnings
CHAPTER 2 The Birth of a Nation
CHAPTER 3 The Rise of a National Literature
CHAPTER 4 An American Renaissance
CHAPTER 5 The Boston Brahmins
CHAPTER 6 The Civil War and the \"Gilded Age\"
CHAPTER 7 The Era of Realism and Naturealism
CHAPTER 8 At the Turn of the Century
CHAPTER 9 The Turning Point of American Literature
CHAPTER 10 Poetry from 1900 through the 1930s
CHAPTER 11 The Writers of the \"Lost Generation\"
CHAPTER 12 The Thirties
CHAPTER 13 The Forties and Fifties
CHAPTER 14 The Sixties and Seventies
CHAPTER 15 The Twentieth-Century Black Writer
CHAPTER 16 Drama

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"공공누리" 출처표시-상업적 이용금지-변경금지 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.
  • 담당부서 :  
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  • 조회수 :4,285,280

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