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대학교재솔루션 다운로드 화학,일반화학 다운로드 줌달 일반화학 7판 대학교재솔루션(zumda


대학교재솔루션 다운로드 화학,일반화학 다운로드 줌달 일반화학 7판 대학교재솔루션(zumdahl 7th solution) Report

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대학교재솔루션 다운로드 화학,일반화학 다운로드 줌달 일반화학 7판 대학교재솔루션(zumdahl 7th solution)

[솔루션] [화학,일반화학] 줌달 일반화학 7판 솔루션(zumdahl 7th solution) 영문판이고, 일부 빠진 문제가 조금 있습니다. 미리보기 참고바랍니다.

This manual contains more or less complete solutions for every problem in the book. Should you find errors in any of the solutions, please bring them to my attention. Over the years, I have tried to enrich my lectures by including historical information on the significant developments in thermodynamics, and biographical sketches of the people involved. The multivolume Dictionary of Scientific Biography, edited by Charles C. Gillispie and published by C. Scribners, New York, has been especially useful for obtaining biographical and, to some extent, historical information. [For example, the entry on Anders Celsius points out that he chose the zero of his temperature scale to be the boiling point of water, and 100 to be the freezing point. Also, the intense rivalry between the English and German scientific communities for credit for developing thermodynamics is discussed in the biographies of J.R. Mayer, J. P. Joule, R. Clausius (who introduced the word entropy) and others.] Other sources of biographical information include various encyclopedias, Asimov’s Biographical Encyclopedia of Science and Technology by I. Asimov, published by Doubleday & Co., (N.Y., 1972), and, to a lesser extent, Nobel Prize Winners in Physics 1901-1951, by N.H. deV. Heathcote, published by H. Schuman, N.Y. Historical information is usually best gotten from reading the original literature. Many of the important papers have been reproduced, with some commentary, in a series of books entitled “Benchmark Papers on Energy” distributed by Halsted Press, a division of John Wiley and Sons, N.Y. Of particular interest are: Volume 1, Energy: Historical Development of the Concept, by R. Bruce Lindsay. Volume 2, Applications of Energy, 19th Century, by R. Bruce Lindsay. Volume 5, The Second Law of Thermodynamics, by J. Kestin and Volume 6, Irreversible Processes, also by J. Kestin. The first volume was published in 1975, the remainder in 1976.


vi Other useful sources of historical information are “The Early Development of the Concepts of Temperature and Heat: The Rise and Decline of the Caloric Theory” by D. Roller in Volume 1 of Harvard Case Histories in Experimental Science edited by J.B. Conant and published by Harvard University Press in 1957; articles in Physics Today, such as “A Sketch for a History of Early Thermodynamics” by E. Mendoza (February, 1961, p.32), “Carnot’s Contribution to Thermodynamics” by M.J. Klein (August, 1974, p. 23); articles in Scientific American; and various books on the history of science. Of special interest is the book The Second Law by P.W. Atkins published by Scientific American Books, W.H. Freeman and Company (New York, 1984) which contains a very extensive discussion of the entropy, the second law of thermodynamics, chaos and symmetry. I also use several simple classroom demonstrations in my thermodynamics courses. For example, we have used a simple constant-volume ideal gas thermometer, and an instrumented vapor compression refrig

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문서분량 : 888 Page
파일종류 : PDF 파일
자료제목 :
파일이름 : zumdahl7.pdf
키워드 : 솔루션,대학교재솔루션,다운로드,화학,일반화학,줌달,7판,zumdahl,7th,solution


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