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최신분석화학 4판 솔루션 다운로드


최신분석화학 4판 솔루션 다운로드

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최신분석화학 4판 솔루션

최신분석화학 4판 솔루션 - 미리보기를 참고 바랍니다.



4:21 PM

Page A41

Answers to Selected Exercises
The answers listed here are from the Complete Solutions Guide, in which rounding is carried out at each intermediate step in a calculation in order to show the correct number of signi?cant ?gures for that step. Therefore, an answer given here may differ in the last digit from the result obtained by carrying extra digits throughout the entire calculation and rounding at the end (the procedure you should follow).

Chapter 1
19. A law summarizes what happens, e.g., law of conservation of mass in a chemical reaction or the ideal gas law, PV nRT. A theory (model) is an attempt to explain why something happens. Dalton’s atomic theory explains why mass is conserved in a chemical reaction. The kinetic molecular theory explains why pressure and volume are inversely related at constant temperature and moles of gas. 21. The fundamental steps are (1) making observations; (2) formulating hypotheses; (3) performing experiments to test the hypotheses. The key to the scienti?c method is performing experiments to test hypotheses. If after the test of time, the hypotheses seem to account satisfactorily for some aspect of natural behavior, then the set of tested hypotheses turns into a theory (model). However, scientists continue to perform experiments to re?ne or replace existing theories. 23. A qualitative observation expresses what makes something what it is; it does not involve a number; e.g., the air we breathe is a mixture of gases, ice is less dense than water, rotten milk stinks. The SI units are mass in grams, length in meters, and volume in the derived units of m3. The assumed uncertainty in a number is 1 in the last signi?cant ?gure of the number. The precision of an instrument is related to the number of signi?cant ?gures associated with an experimental reading on that instrument. Different instruments for measuring mass, length, or volume have varying degrees of precision. Some instruments only give a few signi?cant ?gures for a measurement while others will give more signi?cant ?gures. 25. Signi?cant ?gures are the digits we associate with a number. They contain all of the certain digits and the ?rst uncertain digit (the ?rst estimated digit). What follows is one thousand indicated to varying numbers of signi?cant ?gures: 1000 or 1 103 (1 S.F.); 1.0 103 (2 S.F.); 1.00 103 (3 S.F.); 1000. or 1.000 103 (4 S.F.). To perform the calculation, the addition/subtraction signi?cant rule is applied to 1.5 1.0. The result of this is the one signi?cant ?gure answer of 0.5. Next, the multiplication/division rule is applied to 0.5/0.50. A one signi?cant number divided by a two signi?cant number yields an answer with one signi?cant ?gure (answer 1). 27. The slope of the TF vs. TC plot is 1.8 ( 9/5) and the y-intercept is 32 F. The slope of TC vs. TK plot is 1 and the y-intercept is 273 C. 29. a. exact; b. inexact; c. exact; d. inexact 31. a. 3; b. 4; c. 4; d. 1; e. 7; f. 1;

자료출처 : http://my.allreport.co.kr/nfalle/10978363.html


문서분량 : 218 Page
파일종류 : PDF 파일
자료제목 :
파일이름 : 최신분석화학 4판 솔루션.pdf
키워드 : 솔루션,최신분석화학,4판


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  • 담당부서 :  
  • 연락처 :
  • 최종수정일 : 2023-04-21
  • 조회수 :4,260,794

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