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대학교재솔루션 다운로드 열전달 6판(Heat and mass transfer) - incr


대학교재솔루션 다운로드 열전달 6판(Heat and mass transfer) - incropera, wiley ch1-11장 레폿

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대학교재솔루션 다운로드 열전달 6판(Heat and mass transfer) - incropera, wiley ch1-11장

[솔루션] 열전달 6판(Heat and mass transfer) - incropera, wiley ch1-11장 (주요문제풀이로 되있습니다.)

KNOWN: Hot plate-type wafer thermal processing tool based upon heat transfer modes by
conduction through gas within the gap and by radiation exchange across gap.
FIND: (a) Radiative and conduction heat fluxes across gap for specified hot plate and wafer
temperatures and gap separation; initial time rate of change in wafer temperature for each mode, and
(b) heat fluxes and initial temperature-time change for gap separations of 0.2, 0.5 and 1.0 mm for hot
plate temperatures 300 < Th < 1300°C. Comment on the relative importance of the modes and the
influence of the gap distance. Under what conditions could a wafer be heated to 900°C in less than 10
ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Steady-state conditions for flux calculations, (2) Diameter of hot plate and
wafer much larger than gap spacing, approximating plane, infinite planes, (3) One-dimensional
conduction through gas, (4) Hot plate and wafer are blackbodies, (5) Negligible heat losses from wafer
backside, and (6) Wafer temperature is uniform at the onset of heating.
PROPERTIES: Wafer: r = 2700 kg/m3, c = 875 J/kg×K; Gas in gap: k = 0.0436 W/m×K.
ANALYSIS: (a) The radiative heat flux between the hot plate and wafer for Th =

자료출처 : http://my.allreport.co.kr/fineview/10977088.html


문서분량 : 1,230 Page
파일종류 : ZIP 파일
자료제목 :
파일이름 : [솔루션] 열전달 6판(Heat and mass transfer) incropera wiley ch1 11장.zip
키워드 : 솔루션,대학교재솔루션,다운로드,열전달,6판,Heat,and,mass,transfer,incropera


- [Solution] 열전달-6E(HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER)_Incropera 저
- [솔루션] 열전달 5판 [Introduction to heat transfer], 5th edition, Incropera and DeWitt ,Wiley [솔루션]열전달 5판
- [솔루션] 유체역학 6판(Fluid Mechanics, FRANK M. WHITE,Mc graw hill) 유체역
- 열전달-Engineering_Fundamentals_of_Heat_and_Mass_Transfer_[Frank_PIncropera_-_David_PDeWitt]_Solution_Manual
- [솔루션] [공업수학] engineering mathematics 5판 Peter V,O`Neil 솔루션 (1장부터 27장까지 주요문제 수록)
- [솔루션] 공업재료 가공학 5판 솔루션
- [솔루션] 기계진동 4판 솔루션( Mechanical Vibrations 4th ) - Singiresu S. Reo 기
- [솔루션] 동역학 2판 솔루션(2nd Edition, Benson H. Tongue(wiley))
- [솔루션] 최신기계진동학 , 제 2판 , Daniel J.Inman , 피어슨 진동학

자료보러가기 ▶▶▶▶▶ http://my.allreport.co.kr/fineview/10977088.html

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  • 담당부서 :  
  • 연락처 :
  • 최종수정일 : 2023-04-21
  • 조회수 :4,260,827

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