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[학업계획서] 유학전용 영문 학업계획서(SOP)


[학업계획서] 유학전용 영문 학업계획서(SOP)

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분량 : 7 페이지 /hwp 파일
설명 : 유학전용 영문 학업계획서(SOP)

Statement of Purpose

I have devoted the first six years of my career to security affairs: throughout the three and a half years of military service and two and a half years as a diplomat, the word `security` has always been at the center of every issue that I dealt with. However, I rarely had the chance to ponder fundamental security questions such as its concepts in a variety of formats, its institutional mechanisms, and ethical implications in an analytical and synthetic manner: I consideredthe security issue as abstract concepts, alive only in the texts. Therefore, taking an opportunity to study at a graduate school, I wish to study the security issues from an academic perspective and develop my insight into the subject through discussions with students from a variety of backgrounds, thereby forming a more practical and tangible idea on security.

My professional experiences in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Air Force of Korea enabled me to learn about the security at first hand. I observed that security is becoming a transnational and cross-cutting issue that even the trade-related international bodies like the APEC has included the security into their agenda. And I learned from the participation in the Korea-U.S. joint exercises that security has a widespread impact on other areas of society: the military alliance necessitated fine-tunings and coordination not only in the military areas but also in the socio-economic areas. For example, dispatching Korean soldiers to Iraq required national consensus, although it was a seemingly military issue concerning the alliance between Korea and the U.S.

Foreign Minister of Korea Song Min-soon once told, `Security is like the air. No one is aware it is around us. But it is such a critical element of life that we cannot live without it. It is too late to take action when we start to feel that we are lacking it. So we must take preparatory actions before it is too late.`The of the Security Studies Program lies in the same idea: to provide the substantive knowledge and analytical skills needed for formulating effective and ethical security policies. Furthermore, it provides an opportunity to view an international issue from both diplomatic and militaristic perspective, with which I have become familiar through the experience in the Foreign Ministry and the Air Force. In this regard, I believe that Georgetown University’s SSP is the most appropriate course for my study purpose.
Particularly, I am interested in the institutional changes that will be made during and after the reunification of North and South Koreas. North Korea has run a unique and extraordinary state system irrespective of outside changes more than half a century, while South Korea has participated in the international community and adapted itself to international norms. Therefore, a smooth reunification process would have to include integrating North Korea into a global society, if Korean peninsula is to be reunified with minimal turbulence. The reunification process will thus involve the transformation of the North Korean system. In this regard, I would like to study the institutional framework for security policies in transition period: the dismantlement of weapons of mass destruction, the introduction of market economy, and the reshuffle of the defense system would be the issues to be tackled.

For the above reasons, I strongly hope to be a student of SSP program at Georgetown University. I am sure that the well-established human network and academic relationships at Georgetown University will be an invaluable asset to my diplomatic career. Also, I would like to contribute to the academic society of Georgetown University with my passion for study and future career achievements.

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  • 최종수정일 : 2023-04-21
  • 조회수 :4,260,045

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