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대학교재솔루션 다운로드 마스터톤의 일반화학 6판 사이플러스 대학교재솔루션 Down


대학교재솔루션 다운로드 마스터톤의 일반화학 6판 사이플러스 대학교재솔루션 Down

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[솔루션] 마스터톤의 일반화학 6판 사이플러스 (영문) 1장~23장 까지 주요 문제들만 풀이되 있습니다. (다운 받을 때 설명 참고 바랍니다.)

Chapter 1: Matter and Measurements
22. Refer to Section 1.2. (a) 4020.6 mL = 4.0206 x 103 mL (b) 1.006 g (This is already in proper scientific notation.) (c) 100.1°C = 1.001 x 102°C 32. Refer to Section 1.2 and Table 1.2. Convert one of the numbers to the units of the other. Once the numbers are expressed in common units, they can be compared directly. (a) 37.12 g x

1k g = 0.03712 k g , thus: 37.12 g < 0.3712 kg. 1000 g

(b) 28 m 3 × ?

? 100 cm ? 6 3 ? = 28 ×10 cm , thus: 28 m3 > 28 x 102 cm3. ? 1m ?


(c) 525 mm ×

1m 1 nm × = 525 × 106 nm , ?9 1000 mm 1 × 10 m

thus 525 mm = 525 x 106 nm 48. Refer to Section 1.3. Calculate the volume of the object from the change in the volume of the graduated cylinder, then calculate the density.
35.0 mL

42.3 mL

Volume of object = 42.3 mL ? 35.0 mL = 7.3 mL

density =

mass (g) 11.33 g = = 1.6 g/mL volume (mL) 7.3 mL


Chapter 2: Atoms, Molecules, and Ions
16. Refer to Section 2.2.

(a) Na-21 has 11 protons and 21 ? 11 = 10 neutrons. Adding one neutron makes the number 22, thus the symbol is 22 Na . 11 (b) An isobar of Na-21 with 10 protons would have an atomic number of 10, thus the 21 element symbol would be Ne. The nuclear symbol is 10 Ne . (c) A nucleus with 11 protons is sodium. The mass number is 11 + 12 = 23. The nuclear symbol is 23 Na . This is indeed an isotope of Na-21. 11
38. Refer to Section 2.5.

The sum of the charges must equal zero; if not, add extras of the needed ion to “balance” the charges. (a) Ba2+ and I- give BaI2 (+2 + 2(-1) = 0) Ba2+ and N3- give Ba3N2 (3(+2) + 2(-3) = 0) (b) O2- and Fe2+ give FeO (-2 + (+2) = 0) O2- and Fe3+ give Fe2O3 (3(-2) + 2(+3) = 0)

52. Refer to Sections 2.4 and 2.5.

(a) “Compounds containing carbon atoms are molecular” is usually true. Carbon, being a nonmetal can combine with other non-metals to form molecular compounds such as those mentioned in Section 2.4 (indeed, a whole field of chemistry, called organic chemistry, is dedicated to the study of such compounds). Carbon can, however, also form ionic compounds such as calcium carbide (used in old miners lamps). (b) “A molecule is made up of nonmetal atoms” is always true, by definition. (c) “An ionic compound has at least one metal atom” is usually true. Most ionic compounds do contain a metal, but there are ionic compounds in which the cation (positive ion) is not a metal, such as in ammonium chloride, NH4Cl.


Chapter 3: Mass Relations in Chemistry; Stoichiometry
26. Refer to Section 3.2 and Example 3.3.

Multiply the number of each atom in the molecule by the atomic mass of that atom, and then add up the masses to get the molar mass of the molecule. (a) Ga: 1(69.723) = 69.723 g/mol. (b) CaSO4 ½ H2O: 1(40.078) + 1(32.066) + 4(15.9994) + ½ [2(1.00794) + 1(15.9994)] = 136.1416 + ½ (18.01528) =145.149 g/mol. (c) C14H10O4: 14(12.011) + 10(1.0079) + 4(15.9994) = 168.154 + 10.0794 + 63.9976 = 242.231 g/mol.
38. Refer to Section 3.3.

Mass of 1 mol. C7

자료출처 : http://my.allreport.co.kr/nfalle/10977000.html


문서분량 : 45 Page
파일종류 : PDF 파일
자료제목 :
파일이름 : [솔루션] 마스터톤의 일반화학 6판 사이플러스.pdf
키워드 : 솔루션,대학교재솔루션,다운로드,마스터톤의,일반화학,6판,사이플러스


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