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[] 거시경제학 5판 (Mankiw - macroeconomics 5th edition a


[] 거시경제학 5판 (Mankiw - macroeconomics 5th edition answers) 다운

첨부파일 : 거시경제학 5판 (Mankiw - macroeconomics_5th_edition_answers).pdf
다운경로 : http://www.jisik114.net/search/detail.asp?pk=11033819&sid=korea072

[] 거시경제학 5판 (Mankiw - macroeconomics_5th_edition_answers) CHAPTER 1 부터 CHAPTER 19까지 입니다..^^ 시험공부하실때나 따로 지식이 필요하게 되어 공부를 하실때 꼭 필요한 자료 입니다. 저 또한 많은 도움을 얻고 있습니다. 올바르게 활용하셔서 좋은 결과 있기를 바랍니다..^^

Answers to Textbook Questions and Problems



The Science of Macroeconomics

Questions for Review

1. Microeconomics is the study of how individual firms and households make decisions, and how they interact with one another. Microeconomic models of firms and households are based on principles of optimization firms and households do the best they can given the constraints they face. For example, households choose which goods to purchase in order to maximize their utility, whereas firms decide how much to produce in order to maximize profits. In contrast, macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole; it focuses on issues such as how total output, total employment, and the overall price level are determined. These economy-wide variables are based on the interaction of many households and many firms; therefore, microeconomics forms the basis for macroeconomics.
2. Economists build models as a means of summarizing the relationships among economic variables. Models are useful because they abstract from the many details in the economy and allow one to focus on the most important economic connections.
3. A market-clearing model is one in which prices adjust to equilibrate supply and demand. Market-clearing models are useful in situations where prices are flexible. Yet in many situations, flexible prices may not be a realistic assumption. For example, labor contracts often set wages for up to three years. Or, firms such as magazine publishers change their prices only every three to four years. Most macroeconomists believe that price flexibility is a reasonable assumption for studying long-run issues. Over the long run, prices respond to changes in demand or supply, even though in the short run they may be slow to adjust.

Problems and Applications

1. The many recent macroeconomic issues that have been in the news lately (early 2002) include the recession that began in March 2001, sharp reductions in the Federal Reserve’s target interest rate (the so-called Federal Funds rate) in 2001, whether the government should implement tax cuts or spending increases to stimulate the economy, and a financial crisis in Argentina.
2. Many philosophers of science believe that the defining characteristic of a science is the use of the scientific method of inquiry to establish stable relationships. Scientists examine data, often provided by controlled experiments, to support or disprove a hypothesis. Economists are more limited in their use of experiments. They cannot conduct controlled experiments on the economy; they must rely on the natural course of developments in the economy to collect data. To the extent that economists use the scientific method of inquiry, that is, developing hypotheses and testing them, economics has the characteristics of a science.
3. We can use a simple variant of the supply-and-demand model for pizza to answer this question. Assume that the quantity of ice cream demanded depends not only on the price of ice cream and income, but also on the price of frozen yogurt: Qd = D(PIC, PFY, Y). We expect that demand for ice cream rises when the price of frozen yogurt rises, because ice cream and frozen yogurt are substitutes. That is, when the price of frozen yogurt goes up, I consume less of it and, instead, fulfill more of my frozen dessert urges through the consumption of ice cream. 3


Chapter 1

The Science of Macroeconomics

The next part of the model is the supply function for ice cream, Q s = S(PIC). Finally, in equilibrium, supply must equal demand, so that Q s = Q
d. Y and PFY are the exogenous variables, and Q and PIC are the endogenous variables. Figure 1 1 uses this model to show that a fall in the price of frozen yogurt results in an inward shift of the demand curve for ice cream. The new equilibrium has a lower price and quantity of ice cream.

Figure… 다운

..... (중략)

제목 : [] 거시경제학 5판 (Mankiw - macroeconomics 5th edition answers) 다운
출처 : 지식114 자료실


문서분량 : 180 Page
파일종류 : PDF 파일
자료제목 : [] 거시경제학 5판 (Mankiw - macroeconomics 5th edition answers)
파일이름 : 거시경제학 5판 (Mankiw - macroeconomics_5th_edition_answers).pdf
키워드 : 경제,경영,재무,연습문제,거시경제학,5판,Mankiw,macroeconomics,5th,edition


문서종류 : PDF 파일
다운받기 : http://www.jisik114.net/search/detail.asp?pk=11033819&sid=korea072

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