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[] 확률 및 랜덤 프로세스 2판 (저자 Yates, Goodman 2nd ed - Pro


[] 확률 및 랜덤 프로세스 2판 (저자 Yates, Goodman 2nd ed - Probability and Stochastic Processes) (첨부)

첨부파일 : 확률 및 랜덤 프로세스 2판 (저자 Yates, Goodman 2nd ed - Probability and Stochastic Processes).pdf
다운경로 : http://www.jisik114.net/search/detail.asp?pk=11036927&sid=korea072

[] 확률 및 랜덤 프로세스 2판 (저자 Yates, Goodman 2nd ed - Probability and Stochastic Processes) 입니다. 총 1장부터 12장까지의 으로 구성되어 있습니다. 공부 할 때 정말 도움이 많이 됬던 자료 입니다. 예습할때나, 복습할때나 그리고 시험기간에 특히 꼭 필요한 자료입니다..^^

Probability and Stochastic Processes

A Friendly Introduction for Electrical and Computer Engineers


Problem Solutions

July 26, 2004 Draft

D. Yates and David J. Goodman July 26, 2004

This solution manual remains under construction. The current count is that 575 out of 695 problems in the text are solved here, including all problems through Chapter
5. At the moment, we have not con rmed the correctness of every single solution. If you nd errors or have suggestions or comments, please send email to ryates@winlab.rutgers.edu. M ATLAB functions written as solutions to homework probalems can be found in the archive matsoln.zip (available to instructors) or in the directory matsoln. Other M ATLAB functions used in the text or in these hoemwork solutions can be found in the archive matcode.zip or directory matcode. The .m les in matcode are available for download from the Wiley website. Two oter documents of interest are also available for download: A manual probmatlab.pdf describing the matcode .m functions is also available. The quiz solutions manual quizsol.pdf. A web-based solution set constructor for the second edition is also under construction. A major update of this solution manual will occur prior to September, 2004.


Problem Solutions Chapter 1 Problem 1.1.1 Solution

Based on the Venn diagram


the answers are fairly straightforward: (a) Since T ∩ M = φ, T and M are not mutually exclusive. (b) Every pizza is either Regular (R), or Tuscan (T ). Hence R ∪ T = S so that R and T are collectively exhaustive. Thus its also (trivially) true that R ∪ T ∪ M = S. That is, R, T and M are also collectively exhaustive. (c) From the Venn diagram, T and O are mutually exclusive. In words, this means that Tuscan pizzas never have onions or pizzas with onions are never Tuscan. As an aside, “Tuscan” is a fake pizza designation; one shouldn’t conclude that people from Tuscany actually dislike onions. (d) From the Venn diagram, M ∩ T and O are mutually exclusive. Thus Gerlanda’s doesn’t make Tuscan pizza with mushrooms and onions. (e) Yes. In terms of the Venn diagram, these pizzas are in the set (T ∪ M ∪ O)c .

Problem 1.1.2 Solution

Based on the Venn diagram,


the complete Gerlandas pizza menu is Regular without toppings Regular with mushrooms Regular with onions Regular with mushrooms and onions Tuscan without toppings Tuscan with mushrooms


Problem 1.2.1 Solution

(a) An outcome speci es whether the fax is high (h), medium (m), or low (l) speed, and whether the fax has two (t) pages or four ( f ) pages. The sample space is S = {ht, h f, mt, m f, lt, l f } . (b) The event that the fax is medium speed is A1 = {mt, m f }. (c) The event that a fax has two pages is A2 = {ht, mt, lt}. (d) The event that a fax is either high speed or low speed is A3 = {ht, h f, lt, l f }. (e) Since A1 ∩ A2 = {mt} and is not empty, A1 , A2 , and A3 are not mutually exclusive. (f) Since A1 ∪ A2 ∪ A3 = {ht, h f, mt, m f, lt, l f } = S, the collection A1 , A2 , A3 is collectively exhaustive. (2) (1)

Problem 1.2.2 Solution

(a) The sample space of the experiment is S = {aaa, aa f, a f a, f aa, f f a, f a f, a f f, f f f } . (b) The event that the circuit from Z fails is Z F = {aa f, a f f, f a f, f f f } . The event that the circuit from X is acceptable is X A = {aaa, aa f, a f a, a f f } . (c) Since Z F ∩ X A = {aa f, a f f } = φ, Z F and X A are not mutually exclusive. (d) Since Z F ∪ X A = {aaa, aa f, a f a, a f f, f a f, f f f } = S, Z F and X A are not collectively exhaustive. (e) The event that more than one circuit is acceptable is C = {aaa, aa f, a f a, f aa} . The event that at least two circuits fail is D = { f f a, f a f, a f f, f f f } . (f) Inspection shows that C ∩ D = φ so… (첨부)

..... (중략)

제목 : [] 확률 및 랜덤 프로세스 2판 (저자 Yates, Goodman 2nd ed - Probability and Stochastic Processes) (첨부)
출처 : 지식114 자료실


문서분량 : 433 Page
파일종류 : PDF 파일
자료제목 : [] 확률 및 랜덤 프로세스 2판 (저자 Yates, Goodman 2nd ed - Probability and Stochastic Processes)
파일이름 : 확률 및 랜덤 프로세스 2판 (저자 Yates, Goodman 2nd ed - Probability and Stochastic Processes).pdf
키워드 : 통계,확률,수리,통계학,수학,랜덤,프로세스,2판,저자,Yates


문서종류 : PDF 파일
다운받기 : http://www.jisik114.net/search/detail.asp?pk=11036927&sid=korea072

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