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Sea String Menu - Sea String Menu


Sea String Kimchi GrilledWheat Cake

Sea String Kimchi Grilled Wheat Cake

[Ingredient] 100g salted sea string, 50gkimchi, 50g leek, 40g chopped pork

[Sauce] 1/2 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tspsugar, 1/2 tsp minced garlic, sesame oil, pepper

[Buckwheat dough]1/2 cup buckwheat powder, 1 cup water, salt


  1. Mix the ingredients of buckwheat dough by stirring, filter with colander,wrap and keep in refrigerator.

  2. Marinate pork with sauce then stir-fry without moisture when it is marinated.

  3. Trim sea string, cut into goody size, chop kimchi finely and remove moisture.

  4. Heat pan and put oil in it, wipe it once by kitchen towel then toast buckwheat dough to 2 thin pieces.

  5. Put sea string, kimchi, leek and pork on buckwheat dough, roll around and cut into length of 2~3cm.