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Kelp Menu - Kelp Menu


Kelp Sweet Potato Croquette

Kelp Sweet Potato Croquette

[Ingredient] 10g dried kelp, 2 medium size of sweet potato, 1/6 onion, 2 tbsp canned corn, 3g carrot, salt, pepper


  1. Soak dried kelp and when it becomes mellow, blanch it in boiling water for just 10 sec and remove moisture.

  2. After steaming sweet potato, peel it when it is hot and crush it finely.

  3. Chop onion and carrot finely and stir-fry them in greased pan.

  4. Put canned corn in colander, pour hot water and remove moisture.

  5. Cut kelp into size of corn and fry slightly. Put sweet potato, kelp, onion, corn, carrot, mozzarella cheeze, salt and pepper in a bowl and mix them well.

  6. Make them in a circle shape of meatball, coat it with in order of flour, egg water, and bread powder evenly and fry it in heated oil to be yellowish.